A great memory of a great stay at Kos. And, as a movie loving person, the filmfestival made it extra special. I try to come back next year and see some more great movies. I am going to bring this filmfestival to the attention of the medical faculty of the university I work. May be there are some others who love to come.
Thanks again very much for the posters and everything else. During the wintermonths I certainly will remember Kos (at home and at work - that's why I asked for 2 posters).
Το Διεθνές Φεστιβαλ Κινηματογραφου ,Ιπποκράτης για θέματα Υγείας, αποτελεί μια πρωτοβουλία της Λουκίας Ρικάκη και των συνεργατών για τη δημιουργία ενος Παγκόσμιου Τόπου Συνάντησης, μελών της ιατρικής κοινότητας, καλλιτεχνών και του κοινού γύρω απο την Υγεία και τη πρόληψη.
International Health Film Festival,Ippokratis is an initiative of Lucia Rikaki and her team in order to create the first meeting place for members of the International Health community, artists and the audience in order to view discuss and appreciate creative audiovisual works, on health and prevention
Αγνη και καθαρη θα διατηρησω τη ζωη μου και την τεχνη μου
I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts Life is short, art is long, time is swift, enterprise dangerous, and judgment difficult. ... Ο βίος βραχύς, η δε τέχνη μακρή, ο δε καιρός οξύς, η δε πείρα σφαλερή, η δε κρίσις χαλεπή απόσπασμα από τον όρκο του Ιπποκράτη
1 σχόλιο:
A great memory of a great stay at Kos. And, as a movie loving person, the filmfestival made it extra special. I try to come back next year and see some more great movies. I am going to bring this filmfestival to the attention of the medical faculty of the university I work. May be there are some others who love to come.
Thanks again very much for the posters and everything else. During the wintermonths I certainly will remember Kos (at home and at work - that's why I asked for 2 posters).
Kind regards,
Karin van Aken
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